
Homepage of the
Student’s Association of the University of
Association DCBP Alumni – Bernese former chemistry
ILIAS student group Chemistry, Biochemistry and PharmacyIlias
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Comprehensive chemistry encyclopaedia
All about stereochemistry
Everything about spectroscopy
Comprehensive site about organic chemistry.
Almost all reactions with examples and literature.
Jmol: Programme for the 3D representation of molecules
Structures and animations of chemical reactions
Simple simulations of chemistry
Information about the basics of chemistry (AC, OC).
Notes on the databases
There is a whole range of databases, so here is a brief explanation. Very practical is Reaxys, where you can find extensive information on structures, reactions, data and literature. Apart from Wikipedia, Chemgapedia as a freely accessible homepage and RÖMPP are also suitable encyclopaedias.
Page with many excellent animations on biochemistry
UniProt: extensive collection of information on proteins, recognises name search
BLAST: Enter amino acid or nucleotide sequence, searches for matches to known proteins;
amino acid and nucleotide sequence can be found
ExPASY: bioinformatics portal for calculating many properties
PDB: Structures of proteins and nucleic acids
PyMOL: Programme for the 3D representation of biomolecules (registration required)
Webcutter 2.0: Finds restriction sites in any DNA sequence
ApE (A plasmid Editor): A versatile programme around plasmids.
Virtual digest, graphical representation, primer design, etc.
Rebase: Database on restriction enzymes
Pubmed: Online publication search
Notes on the biochemistry links
Finding information in biochemistry is not as easy as with Reaxys, for example. Without prior knowledge, you won’t get very far. However, there is an introduction to some databases in the practical course Biochemistry I and you learn more in the lecture Bioinformatics during the 6th semester.

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Official site of the city
Tourist site of the city
Official site of the Canton of Bern
BernMobil: route maps and timetables as well as
general information on public transport in the city
Bernese cultural agenda
Bewegungsmelder Bern (agenda of events in Bern)
Kinotheater AG: online reservation
Quinnie-Cinemas: online reservation
Free Walking Tours Bern
MINT Tutoring Institute. Offers the following subjects:
Mathematics, Computer Science, Natural Sciences
and Technology.
The company Turboreading offers seminars aimed at
increasing the reading speed of its customers.
Price comparison for books
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