Student Association

The Student Association is the organisation of all students and assistants majoring in chemistry, biochemistry or pharmacy at the University of Bern.

The association sees itself as a representative of its members’ interests towards the lecturers and the authorities. It also aims to support its members in completing their studies and to promote contacts among them.
In addition, the association always has an open ear for students’ suggestions. This applies to purchases that can be used by all students at the DCBP as well as to the organisation of events.

The day-to-day business of the association is handled by the executive committee, which meets three times during the semester.


The activities of the professional association can be divided into the following 3 areas:

 Representation of interests

We talk and shape together! Through the representation of one of our members in the departmental meetings, we are always informed about what happens behind the scenes at the university.
Our presence spans across various levels of the university. We are intimately involved when study plans are revised or lab programs are redesigned. We also provide input in the appointment of professorships. In doing so, we advocate for the students’ interests and ensure that they are heard.
Furthermore, we represent the student’s interests in the Faculty of Science, operating at the next higher level. In this way, we contribute to continuously improving the quality and relevance of education at our university.
We also see ourselves as the first point of contact for students confronted with fundamental problems in their studies or specific events. We are here to find solutions and assist students with their concerns.


  • We organise the sale of lab coats
  • Guided tours for new exchange and Master students
  • Visiting and information days for secondary school students
  • Support in the search for tutoring


Our diverse events create opportunities for social interaction, professional exchange, and career networking. We offer many activities that enrich campus life, from warm receptions for new students to exciting events such as parties and a Snow Sport Weekend. Additionally, we organize networking events that allow you to connect with various companies and institutions, allowing you to establish valuable contacts for your professional development.



Here you can find the constitution of the FCBP (as of: 14.12.2022):